5 Gamedev Objectives for 2016

Happy New Year! …better late than never right?

I am resuscitating this blog after more than a year of innactivity! A blog about the awesome art of GAME MAKING. Yes, if you dig in this blog you’ll maybe find one or two posts about game development hidden in a load of cocktail recipes. This is actually the reason why I stopped using this site.

Frankly, I’ve put this site on the side because I was too chicken to post anything concrete about my game projects.  I intend to change this. It’s part of my 2016 Gamedev objectives. Allow me to share them with you, maybe they’ll give you ideas on how to tackle your owns.


1.Set clear goals. In my day job as a game designer it is part of my daily routine to set goals, organize and be organized, something that I do naturally. As a lead it’s my responsibility to set objectives and push my team towards our common aim of making the best games we can. Nevertheless, in my personal life, indie game projects and hobbies I rarely set goals or deadlines. This is catastrophic! Not having a solid plan always lead to trouble and/or procrastination. In my case I usually end up refining and polishing forever and eventually I get bored of a game project and move on to something fresh and exciting.

This is why I’ll commit to clear goals this year and do my best to respect them. I’m thinking of clearly defined monthly and weekly objectives which I can strive for. This links to my next objective:


2.Complete games in 12 weeks. If you do games in your free time or as a career, you probably know that finding game ideas is the easy part. Completing and shipping games is a mammoth of a task. There is something magical about a new project that makes it easy to work on it passionately. But for some reason, any reason, at some point we hit a wall. Persevering and FINISHING something is where the real hard work is.

Last year was a real eye opener for me. I completed and shipped my first indie game. This year I aim to complete 4 games in about 12 weeks each. Taking into account I work about an hour a day on these projects and that I’m rarely satisfied, I’ll probably crash and burn at first. But that’s the point! I’ll fail, learn and try again. If I end the year with one game completed I’ll still be super happy!

Soulsoup deadline is set at 12 weeks


3.Gain 5 pounds. I want to push my limits in weightlifting this year, pushing iron and crushing PRs. My aim is to gain at least 5 pounds … of muscle mind you.

What the hell does it have to do with game making you’re asking? Well, exercise is an important part of game development for me. Starting the day with a workout prepares my mind to be focused. It makes me ready to face anything. It’s a magic buff! To be at my best creatively, I need a clean, healthy and strong body and mind.


4.Take it easy. Man, this one will be difficult! Everyone with anxiety can understand. Sometimes I’m quick on the panic button for no reason and this sort of useless stress is highly disruptive to my creativity and concentration. I was taught some great techniques last fall to deal with this mind state and will put them in practice this year.

One thing that I was taught is to accept these emotional states as what they are rather than try to forget about them. Accepting that they are here to stay but in fact not dangerous at all is the key to gain control over them.


5.Share more. As I stated in the introduction of this post, I want to be brave and share regularly about the projects on which I work and the tools I use. Last year I used twitter and tumblr quite a lot and found it to be a great motivator. I also love seeing the shared work of other developers and artists, it’s so inspiring! Seriously, if you are making something, anything, please share with the world.

On top of the usual twitter and tumblr posts, I’d like to do a series of youtube videos and at least one twitch. Both media interests me a lot and take me way out of my comfort zone to say the least. I also want to keep this blog alive, it’s a great way to keep a not-so-personal log of my activities. Hopefully I’ll get better at writing these, or go straight to video logs and be done with writing. 😉

Here are links to the platforms I’m currently using:

Twitter @DeviusQC


Youtube Channel DeviusQC

Ask me a question on ask.fm


That’s it. 5 big objectives that I’m thrilled to tackle. What are your Gamedev objectives?

Sometimes you need a break


I could be working on one of my projects right now, stuck to my laptop. Instead I decided to take it easy, open a beer and enjoy the view.

Sometimes you need a break, you need to stop focusing on your work. This time off might get you better insight and new ideas. But be ready with a sketchpad or a notebook when the epiphany comes! 😉

Enjoy your break! I’m going back to the view and my sketchbook.

What the hell were you doing man?

I was watching this blog getting dustier by the seconds, that’s what :).

Seriously, I’ve been extremely busy this summer, slowly but steadily adapting to my fatherhood life. Any parent can tell you, Life is hectic. For me it’s the LONG daily commute, working hard for a game studio, preparing my next session as a mentor, taking care of and having fun with my lovely wife and kid, working on the house, training to stay sharp and healthy… All this without forgetting fun and friends, which I miss horribly sometimes.

I have less and less time for myself and for my personal projects and hobbies, even though my wife is doing everything to give me the most. It feels like life is finally saying: “Hey! You’re not a kid anymore. You want to achieve something, plan and work for it dammit!”

Well, Good.

Don’t get me wrong, I am having fun everyday, at work and at home with my family that I love more than anything. It’s a matter of re-balancing my schedule to please every facet of my life. Some do this pretty well without even having to think about it. It’s not my case, but I am learning! Basically, I learn to enjoy every moment to its fullest. For example, if I can play guitar for 2 minutes and play with my baby girl for 2 hours, it’s going to be the best 2 minutes of guitar and the best 2 hours with my kid. It’s not about time, it’s about quality.

So apart from that, what the hell have I been doing this summer?

Anytime I have a free hour, at lunch time, or at night when my wife and kid have gone to sleep, I jump on my laptop to work on a personal project. These times, I’ve been having fun with a little puzzle game which I’ll write about pretty soon, a cool experience to test my recent life-style changes.

It feels like I haven’t been writing here since spring, and it does! I’ll be trying to get back on track and come here as often as possible to share. This blog serves this purpose primarily, it pushes me to share my work, and not keep it for myself, I am a bit on the shy side. 🙂

Until then, have fun!