Soulsoup Devlog 5.5

Soulsoup is an Adventure Puzzle game project I’m making in my free time, wearing the designer’s, coder’s and artist’s hats. I’ve challenged myself in completing it in 12 weeks using Gamemaker. The following post is an update on it’s development.

Hey all! Here’s the update on Soulsoup. It’s going to be a short one! I’ve decided to take 1-2 weeks off from Soulsoup to replenish some energy. Basically, once I’m out of energy because of … reasons, my focus and creativity are the first things that get penalized. I believe it’s better to take some time to rest, focus on the day job at the studio and come back rested on Soulsoup later.

Don’t forget, if there’s no fun, there’s something wrong. If you’re not taking pleasure in your projects (gamedev or other), take some time off and think of why you’re not enjoying yourself. In my case at this moment, it’s simply that my personal project is the one too many thing to do in the day. Once my schedule becomes a bit less stressful I’ll be able to jump back in!

Thank you for reading and taking interest in my project! Don’t hesitate to reach me at any of the following for a chat:

Have fun!


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  1. Pingback: Soulsoup Devlog 5.5 – brmappsandgames

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